
Kathleen Latham is a native Californian who has spent the last thirty years in the Boston area cursing how long it takes to defrost a frozen windshield.

A native southern Californian, she graduated summa cum laude from Occidental College in Los Angeles, received a Ed.M. in developmental psychology from Harvard University, and had a brief career in the mental health field before deciding to stay home to raise her four children.

Her writing adventures began in 2007 when her first short story, 3:57 (Night Vision), was the Grand Prize Winner of the Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition. Since then, she’s been a Bridport Prize Highly Commended winner, the winner of the Web Microfiction Prize for Women Writers, and a third place winner of the Bath Flash Fiction Award.

She’s been a finalist or short-listed in such contests as the New Flash Fiction Review Flash Fiction Prize, the Fish Flash Fiction Prize, The Masters Review, Shenandoah’s Bevel Summers Prize, Southeast Review’s World’s Best Short Short Story Competition, and the First Pages Prize (for a novel-in-progress). She’s also been longlisted by such publications as Fractured Lit, Reflex Fiction, and Mslexia. Her unpublished chapbook, Running Into An Ex, came in second in Chestnut Review’s Chapbook Competition.

Her short fiction and poetry have appeared internationally in numerous online and print journals as well as multiple anthologies.
